Floored ..

The motorsport community is in deep mourning following the tragic accident at the Arcadia Road Rally Sprint in Paparoa on Sunday 15 February. Almost incomprehensible, the loss of two of our fellow racers, our heartfelt condolences go out to the families, the organisers, volunteers, competitors and the services.
MSNZ have set up EAP services for competitors, officials and club members affected by this accident. If you or anyone you know may need someone to talk to, please get in touch with MSNZ and they will direct you to help and assist where ever and however they can.
Tributes are flowing through including beautiful photos and memories.
The celebrations of the lives of these two humble gentleman will be taking place on Friday 1st and Monday 4th March. Motorsport members are welcome to attend. We are family, we stand united together in this incredibly tough time, and support each other.
Below are the funeral details;
Brooklyn Horan

The Horan’s have decided to hold Brooklyn Horan’s funeral service at home.
All welcome to attend the funeral: 46 Hardens Lane, Paremoremo, Auckland for a 1pm funeral service opposed to the North Shore Memorial, Schnapper Rock.
For those who aren’t able to join in person but would like to like to be able to watch Brooklyn’s service, please click on the link below. The service will start at 1pm.
Tyson Jemmett

The funeral of Tyson Jemmett with be at the Chapel of Saint Kentigern – Saint Kentigern College, 130 Pakuranga Road, Pakuranga starting 11am this coming Monday 4th March. Parking is limited so carpool if possible.
There is also a Givealittle page set up to honor Tyson and to support his wife Lucy and their unborn daughter. Any financial support is deeply and graciously appreciated. 100% of this goes directly to Lucy.
The link to share with family and friends who would like to be part of Tyson’s service via the Life Stream is:
The life stream will start just before the service please for our international guests remember this is NZ time. Post the funeral there will be a web-based video of the event available as well.
A Sentiment Shared By Dale Budge
I love rallying and have grown up with it from a young age. I get immense pleasure from working in the sport these days and sharing trips away with the wider rallying community but the past couple of days have been some of the toughest that I can recall.
The tragic passing of the super-talented Brooklyn Horan and renowned co-driver Tyson Jemmett at the Arcadia Road rally sprint on Sunday has left me broken.
The news has stunned our sport and has had a profound impact on all of us that are involved in it. It cuts deep on so many levels. They were our friends. They were family and no family should have to farewell their child. No young wife should have to lose their partner at this age.
They were both super popular – larger than life characters, each with an endearing smile and nature that pulled people in and made people want to be around them.
And they were so, so talented. It pains me to use the saddest words associated with sport – “they could have been” but unfortunately that is the case here.
At age 15, Brooklyn Horan had the world at his feet. He was a star already in rallying, off-road racing and circuit racing. The biggest of things were expected of him – I mean biggest. He had WRC written all over him and all in the sport knew it.
And while tragedy robs us of a prodigious talent, the human element of this hits home the most and will leave a lasting impression on so many.
The Horan family are maybe the most respected family in New Zealand motorsport. Their iconic black and gold livery stands out nearly as much as the warmth and love they display while supporting each other and those around them at events – be it at the track or out on a gravel road somewhere.
Everyone loves them. They are humble, everyday Kiwis, doing what they love in the manner in which we all want someone to do it.
Brooklyn was infatuated with motorsport. I recall seeing him a few years ago out watching his dad Raana at rallies. He was always riding every split or stage time and he would try and find out any snippet of what we in the NZRC Live team knew about how things were going in the most reserved manner – always polite, always with a smile on his face and a sheepish look that said he didn’t want to be a burden.
He never was – he was a pleasure to know. You couldn’t help but feel joy at the way he and his dad interacted. It was the father-son relationship everyone wants.
Even as his opportunities came behind the wheel and the world began to see something very special; Brooklyn remained the grounded young kid he’s always been and that is a credit to the Horan family.
Tyson lived and breathed rallying. He was a decorated co-driver and respected member of the rallying community. Intelligent and articulate and always happy to offer some thoughts or ideas on how to improve our sport.
The photos of him supporting Hayden Paddon during his WRC days all around the world are indicative of his persona – a rallying tragic.
He leaves behind a shattered family, a successful working career and a sporting career left unfulfilled. It just shouldn’t be this way.
I can’t even begin to imagine what those families are going through right now, but I think I speak on behalf of the rallying community when I say a little bit of all of us were in that car with them.
It has been inspiring seeing the rallying community come together to grieve and to offer support – we have something very special here and it just sucks that we really only show how amazing it is in the absolute worst of times.
It will take a long time for life to get back to normal and it will never quite be the same again.
To my friends in the media – I understand you have a challenging job to do reporting on something like this. But please understand that sometimes unavoidable things happen as much as we do everything possible to avoid them. Let’s not drag the sport through the ringer or push even more grief on already broken hearts.
Brooklyn was one of the most talented drivers in the country irrespective of his age. He had the best rally car money can buy – from the most renowned production factory in the world with all the latest state of the art safety features. The rally sprint is one of the most renowned in the country, run by a terrific car club that sets a high standard.
That accident could happen 1000 times and on 999 times they would walk away from the incident. As is always the case, the accident will be studied, every safety aspect assessed and if there can even be the tiniest of improvements made anywhere, know they’ll become staples moving forward.
People get knocked off push bikes riding the roads every weekend and we never question cycling; boaties have accidents in the water all the time and we never question pleasure craft.
The reality is we are 10,000 times more likely to be involved in an accident like this on the way to the event than during a rally.
Sometimes the worst things happen in life – we are left stunned, crushed and helpless looking for answers that just aren’t there.
Maybe we can take the smallest of comfort knowing those two mates of ours ended their time in this world doing what they loved most, and their spirits will live on through the impact they’ve left on all of us.
he fast lane, it’s a bit scary realising we’re tracking through almost into March.
2024 has
is shaping to be challenging but in the life game of ups and downs, you have to make the most of the situation and muddle through. Slap a smile on and fill up the tank, life’s journey throws in curves, so keep sharp.
General Club Newsletter
It’s difficult to write up the usual positive sentiments during these tough times.
With events scheduled to run, sensitivity is now at the absolute forefront, and wholehearted respect following the recent rally sprint incident. The Club will be in discussions about the up coming PCC rallysprint round and the committee will meet to discuss running the event, communications will be distributed.
We will be running the upcoming motorkhana. Pukekohe Car Club and the Ararimu Residents and Ratepayers have teamed up and will hold the fundraiser Motorkhana event on Saturday March 9th.
Reach out and join us on the day.
The club has also been investing time into volunteer development and training, an important tool ensuring there are a sufficient number of licensed members available to run and facilitate events.

We encourage our members to come forward to upskill and learn the fundamentals of the many positions required to run safe and fun events. Training and shadowing experienced members is key to growth.

PCC members have also been out and about enjoying local events.
The recent Targa Tarmac Sprint Rally saw Greg Crene and Matthew Sutton, pictured above, out enjoying the North Waikato district scenery.
Great stuff teams!
Our faithful and humble volunteers continue to help assist and shape the running of our events. The more volunteers we have the better the events are run. Event and competitor safety always the focal point of our event planning. Continued training will ensure we grow together as a team.
Keep up the momentum members – in it, involved with it, or a part of it. No matter how you fit in, you keep the motorsport flag held high, flapping with purpose and drive. While we take a moment to process the recent tragic event, know that time will help heal and together we are mighty.

President’s Ramble
The Motorsport season is getting into full force on the track and for Rallies
Firstly a huge thank you to all the volunteers who give up their time to help out events- often behind the scenes, missing all the action. Marshalling is a great way to get up close to the action, and marshals are always welcome at any event.
Pukekohe has the Ararimu Residents and Ratepayers Fundraiser on Saturday the 9th of March, the event now up on our Facebook page.
We would like to see anyone who would like to help out with the event. It is a low key, fun day out.
When it comes to running rallies or events on public roads, we rely on goodwill with all our stakeholders- these include our residents, both on the road and affected by the event, the local businesses and also the local Council. Thanks to our Past President, Noel Miller, we have built that up for the Bothwell Loop Rally Sprint. A priority is to contact the residents, and meet them face-to-face to see if there are any issues with the road that we can help relay on. Also to thank them for the privilege of using their road- no agreement- no event.
We look at the state of the road and talk it over with residents before event applying to use it- these roads are the lifeline for the locals, and they deserve to have them not get damaged by anyone, including us. We have looked at one amazing road, but won’t use it until it is less fragile and the locals are ok for us to use it. Treating them with respect is vital to the success of our relationships- communication is key.
In saying that, we have done a couple of drives around the Bothwell Loop roads, and they look in great condition. We will have to change our service park this year- so are going to be based at the Glen Murray Hall and a paddock across the road- all thanks to the relationship we have with our local Community Board and our communities. Following committee discussions, we will decide whether to postpone due to the recent rallysprint accident and communicate accordingly.
Brian Littlewood and I are off to the Rally Organisers Forum, hoping to get a date for potentially another rally next season- watch this space I guess!
In May we are holding a Tarmac Hill Climb- the Rodney Aitchison Memorial- in memory of Rodney, a long term member of the Club- and he and his VW are sorely missed by us all. We look forward to seeing many present, past and future members along with those from other Clubs that knew Rodney.
I look forward to catching up with you all at one our events soon
A Committee Focus

We continue to share discussions from committee nights, held once a month at the clubrooms on Station Road in Pukekohe.
Last meeting: Wednesday, February 14th
- Discussions were had on the upcoming Bothwell Loop Rallysprint. All event variables were discussed in detail, bookings all confirmed for services etc, the biggest change being the alternative location for event pits due to not being able to use the usual pits paddocks
- The Ararimu Motorkhana is all go with advertising needed online
- Fiona Gower and Brian Littlewood were looking to attend the upcoming Motorsport NZ rally planning meeting scheduled for Sunday 25th Feb
- Planning is progressing around the upcoming Kempt Road hillclimb scheduled for 26th May
- Our honours board is to be updated to current date
- Discussions on Craig Tickle bringing the Stratos or BMW to an upcoming MITO stand at the Careers Expo

Clerk of the Course – Silver
The Clerk of the Course (CotC) is the second most senior official at a motorsport event. They are responsible for running the meeting in accordance with the National Sporting Code and, in particular, the regulations governing it, except where an Event Director has authority. There are three levels of CotC – Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Motorsport NZ held a face to face training session in Wellington on 17-Feb. Chris Kitzen went along, joined by Nikki Sim to participate and complete the license renewal prerequisites. Nikki is learning the ropes, where Chris is at the other end having run many motorsport events.
Wellington lives up to its ‘windy’ reputation. Nikki arriving donning a wild Wellington hair do, a slight light-rain glisten and clearly in need of better orientation skills! With 8 other participants outside of the PCC crew from Racetech, MBOP, Levin Car Club, Christchurch Car Club, Nelson Car Club and Hutt Valley Car Club – a great bunch of people!
It was an excellent session facilitated by Steve Foster, Andrea Bourhill, Craig Finlayson, and Aaron Johnston. Structured and focused learnings on the many elements of the micro-module courses, the day comprised of in depth focus on course content, group activities, sharing experiences and scenarios, and building and growing as a group. It was a great opportunity to meet some of the other respectable CotC’s from around the country, learn more from their regions and laughs in between.
An enjoyable day and highly recommended if you work in/want to develop in a Clerk of the Course role, even assistant Clerk of the Course. Power up and train to be a Clerk of the Course and join the team.
Volunteer Training
Every MotorSport New Zealand permitted event enlists a variety of volunteer officials who are responsible for the efficient running and safety of the event.
Every event requires numerous different volunteer official roles, with each type of event having a different make-up and quantity of volunteer officials.
Steward, CotC, CRO, Event Secretary, Scrutineer, Radio Comms, FIV, Recovery, Timing Crew, Block Marshal, Flag Marshal, Post Chief, Club/Event Management are some of the key positions in the operation of the club and running of it’s events. Each of these key positions start by hopping into the hot seat (with prior training) and growing and developing in the role. Experienced peers will guide you along your journey.
The Volunteer Advisory Commission are in the process of drafting a Volunteer Handbook and Policies ready for publish, to enable all our crucial volunteers the opportunity to formally get involved with the sport and find a pathway of development, if you choose, to be the very best you can be.
The learning journey never stops, so keep an eye out for this publication.


Pukekohe Car Club and the Ararimu Residents and Ratepayers have teamed up to hold a fundraiser Motorkhana on Saturday March 9th.
This is being held at 857 Paparata Rd, Ararimu.
Entries are now open on Sporty or registration can be done on the day up to 10am, but is limited to 50.
Cost is $65 including lunch, and can be paid online using your name as a reference or cash on the day
All vehicles shall as a minimum be to a warrantable standard, with a securely mounted seat, safe steering and effective brakes-, so your everyday runabout is fine- however no Electric/Hybrid vehicles will be permitted.
Any queries or for entry forms and banking details, please contact:
The 77th MotorSport New Zealand Conference, AGM and Awards Evening will be held on 24-25 May in Christchurch. Member Clubs have received all the latest information regarding these events, however, MotorSport New Zealand would like to further advertise the elected Board and Advisory Commission positions that are vacant.
These elected positions shape the future direction of our sport, so if you’re passionate about growing motorsport please consider standing for a Board or Advisory Commission position. If you have any questions about what it means to be elected to one of these positions or the expectations of these roles please contact Elton Goonan, CEO, at elton@motorsport.org.nz.
If you want to be nominated for a position, please contact your Member Club who can submit your nomination. Nominations & Acceptance of Nominations are due by 4:00pm, Monday 1 April 2024.
- President – 1 position available
- Board Member – 1 position available
- ClubSport – 1 position available
- Historic – 1 position available
- Race – 1 position available
- Rally – 1 position available