The Pukekohe Car Club was born from the desire of a small group of people who lived in Pukekohe and were in the main, members of the Northern Sports Car Club, these motor sport enthusiasts felt there was a need for a branch of the N.S.C.C. or and independent club to be established in the Franklin area, as a result of this it was decided to call a meeting to see if there was enough interest in establishing a club.
This meeting was held in the Junior boys hall in Pukekohe on the 30th of January 1962 and was attended by 51 people with 5 apologies. Lengthy discussion took place over whether the club should be a branch of one of the two major Auckland clubs or a separate identity. A letter from the Association of N.Z. Car Clubs, the governing body now known as Motorsport New Zealand recommending a branch of a major club was read to those present, however a vote was taken and it was decided to form a separate club. Then nominations were called for a committee, the result of which was Mr John Richards was elected President – Mr Joe Tyson Treasurer, the committee elected was George Dixon, Noel Manning, Mr Barker, Frank Hewitt and Mrs Alma Knight.
A discussion then took place over the name of the club, three names were suggested being the Pukekohe, Franklin or South Auckland Car Club. After a vote it was decided to call the club the South Auckland Car Club, a name which was to last only one month as at a general meeting held on the 13th February 1962 also attended by approximately fifty people. The President put to those present the reasons for changing the name of the club to the Pukekohe Car Club, this was discussed then voted upon, the result being the Pukekohe Car Club was born.
The club became incorporated on the 15th June 1962. As we all know only to well car clubs need a lot of equipment to function and this costs money which of course the club did not have at that stage. This problem was overcome be way of a no interest loan from John Richards of one hundred pounds which was very much appreciated and made him truly the club patron.