The local rally scene has been a thrilling mix of competition, scenic beauty, and community spirit. Whether participating or a fan, there’s been a lot to appreciate.
Tepid winter weather has allowed a lot of events to play out, some clubs not so lucky but for the most part it’s been a pretty good spread.
The support that’s been following the events is phenomenal, even when everything around may not quite be as rosy.

Most local and out of town events have had great support and the rally scene has delivered on variety and quality events.
Travel the miles and its there, waiting, stunning NZ roads sitting waiting for the next bit of high adrenaline action.

Presidents Ramble – July 2024
July- September see us off the roads in the Waikato, so we turn out heads elsewhere
A small team of us travelled down to Stratford to the Taranaki Tarmac event, including our intrepid roadie team of myself and Nikki Sim going through the Forgotten Highway, including a compulsory beer at the Whangamomona Pub. Great event organised by the South Taranaki and Taranaki Car Clubs

We held a very successful Motorkhana at the Pukekohe Showgrounds, with a bit of local social media promotion, there was a good turn out of competitors from all around the area, great to see so many learner or novice drivers out there having a go, and cars from a Mini and Nissan March through to a couple of utes out there doing it- lots of grins everywhere! Some great shots on the Facebook page thanks to C.K Photography
A team of PCC members headed up to Dargaville for the Dargaville Tunatahi Rally to help out as well as do more learning as we build up towards our Rally in March. Congratulations to Ben Hunt for the win, and Kyle Percival co driving for Kadon Wood winning Class C.

The Club has been working on our submission to the Waikato District Council on the road closure for motorsport policy, including discussions with them on a number of aspects of roading. Very positive to have these relationships with Council and with residents. We are plan to do an oral submission to go with our written one.
We are rapidly coming toward the end of our Financial Year. By now, if you are a financial member, you will have had a reminder about subs. We hope you choose to join us again for another year, as it looks like its going to be a good one!
Our AGM is on Wednesday 4th September at 7.30pm at the Clubrooms- it would be great to have a good turnout for this as we reflect on the year that has been and look to what is next to come. If you are keen to get involved a bit more in the Club, we would be really keen to see you join our committee. Please get in touch as many hands make light work!.
There are a number of committee members looking to stand down this year due to other commitments, so we do need others to come on.
We will be sending out information shortly about the AGM, the financials, nomination forms, member survey and the draft constitution- this constitution needs to be voted on and then sent to the Incorporated Societies. There will also be a survey hear what you have to say on how we can improve.
And now for the fun stuff!! We have resurrected the Motorkhana Series- with the next one being on September 14th at the Showgrounds, the Maize Motorkhana and Autocross at Limestone Downs on October 27th, with more to come
We have the Port Waikato Speed Weekend locked in- with both Tarmac and Gravel runs this year, and looking to extend the Tarmac event an extra distance. There will be some accommodation at Limestone Downs- as the events are only 8km apart.
And…… we are planning our Rally event for Saturday March 8th 2025! This will be based at Glen Murray like our 2024 Rally Sprint but will be over 3 stages around the area- the roads are looking good! There are some well-known rally roads in the mix that will make for a great event!
Thank you to the team who have stepped up to take on the organisation of this event, and those who have offered their help. But we do need to have more helpers leading up to the event and especially on the day with marshalling, timing crews, service crews and other roles. If you, or you know of others who would be keen to get involved, please let us know.

Motorkhana, Pukekohe A&P Showgrounds 14-Jul
Sneak in a grass motorkhana in winter, yeah right. We had to send a scout up to check out the underfoot, considering most can’t even stand on their lawns at present. I thought they were joking when they said PCC would run a July motorkhana.
The underfoot on the top paddocks of the A&P Showgrounds was … ok … the weather on the day of the event was … ok … the turnout for the event was FANTASTIC!!
I’ve said this before but, it makes it all the worth while for us getting up early and hanging out in a paddock all day, to have all you folk support us, bringing your mates and us catching up with our familiar speedsters, its just a beaut! We really appreciate the effort YOU put in.
A great day had by all who attended. Congratulations Dave Clements, the mighty March is a wee bit dirty but a whole lot impressive!

Meeting held: Tuesday, 16th July
Items of discussions included;
Financial Report
Events planning, require support for motorkhanans & sub committee set for 25′ rally planning. Discussion on JV rallysprint event & follow ups required on Kemp Rd event, wanting to progress with Murray Rd event (same date as proposed SACC event).
AGM preparation, circulation of nomination forms & draft constitution
Draft submission of WDC Road Closure Policy
General Business, discussions on honors board, working bee, procuring club stickers & replacing loudhailer
Rally NZ Volunteers Fundraiser

This is such a cool initiative – please get behind the first Rally Volunteers Quiz Fundraiser.
Drivers, volunteers, all are welcome to this fundraising evening. It’s a great way to give back to the sport, so get in behind this and we hope to see you there.
Rally NZ Volunteers (rallynewzealand.com)

CMR Bolivia
Reg Cook and the team at Cook Motor Racing (CMR) are engaged in a full on KIWI CAN DO plan to set a new Landspeed record at Uyuni Salt Lake in Bolivia Sept/Oct 2024.
Check out the story and a snap shot of the build so far;

Member Club Car for Sale
Neville Smith
1991 Nissan Primera Tarmac Rally/Race Car
-Current owner has had since 2004
-Speedo Reading 36,756 (was 0 km’s upon purchase).
-Car will be sold with original MSNZ Log Book and will be registered and warranted.
Pick-up available from Taupo, Waikato
Buy Now $16,995
1991 Nissan Primera Tarmac Rally/Race Car | Trade Me Motors